Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits

Are you ready to maintain and even increase your strength and muscle mass?  Do you look for the best ways to stay healthy as you age, but get overwhelmed by information overload?

My mission is to show you simple but effective strength training routines to help you maintain your strength and independence all your life.

With a monthly fee of only $10, you’ll get unlimited access to strength training programs specifically designed for those over the age of 50 to maintain and improve their strength.  With three different levels of detailed exercise guides and videos, there is something for everyone, whether you’re brand new to the world of fitness or if you’ve been training for years.  You’ll also get weekly blog posts and healthy recipes to help you in every step along the way of halting aging in its tracks!

Sample Strength Training Program Ages 50+ (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)

Sample Sports Training Program Ages 50+ (Tennis, Golf, Skiing)


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